
Oncologist Appointment & PET Scan Results

On January 22nd, I had my latest PET Scan and received the results about a week later. The results showed a very slight improvement. The tumor by my clavicle was not visible so it might be gone, but we are not sure. The activity of my other tumors slowed down by .1 to .2, which …

Oncologist Appointment & Biopsy Results

On Friday, January 5ᵗʰ, I saw my oncologist for my monthly appointment. He told me the molecular testing results have not come back yet. The company doing the testing did answer back and said that the amount of material submitted may not be sufficient, so we are waiting on those results once again.  Next, we …

Consultation With My Surgeon & My 5th Biopsy

On Monday, December 11th, I had a consultation with my surgeon. Once I was checked in, my surgeon came into the exam room and asked me what was going on. I told him that I had my PET scan on October 31st, that my cancer had spread, and that my oncologist wanted to send out …

5 Signs Your Bra Is Definitely Too Tight and How to Find Your Perfect Size

Written by Jody Amable on October 30, 2020 After I had my breast reconstruction surgery in November 2019, I had to go shopping for a few new bras. I came out of surgery with my chest being about one cup size smaller, from a D to a C. I had no idea what size bra to …